Managed Service Provider for Your Business
“Either Step Forward Into Growth or You Will Step Backward Into Safety”
GCR is a legacy we will cherish forever. We are still the same great people offering professional services to support our business clients.
(Please read below an open letter to our residential customers)
I would like to start by saying wow. What an amazing community Courtnie and I have had the privilege to be a part of. From the basement shop on Hennepin to our store on First St. you chose us to help you with your computer needs. It is not lightly that we made the decision to change everything. We want to stress that we care a great deal for each and every single one of you that relied on us since 2010. I won’t name any names but there are many of you that would stop in each week and want to shoot the breeze, ask a question, or raid the candy bowl we always kept on the front counter. Many of you would stop in just to see Sookie the dog and say hi. We got to know some of you through Second Saturdays downtown when we hosted live music and provided a space for the community to just get to know each other. I won’t lie and say I don’t miss those days because that wouldn’t be true. I miss all of it. However, We started that little shop with a hope and a dream of doing big things with our lives. We came to Dixon with nothing and started in a basement. We scratched until we could afford to rent the store on First. Many of you don’t know but we actually made a makeshift apartment in the basement and lived underneath to make things work until we could move to the apartment above the shop. I can’t believe I’m saying it but I miss those days too. The hustle, the work, the throw everything you got moments that were pivotal. We worked our tails off until we could afford a house in town. We were contracted onto larger projects that propelled us into massive roles with companies and projects the size we had never dreamed of. We started a successful real estate investment business off the back of the proceeds from the shop. We continued on with the contracted project work, running the shop, running the real estate company, rehabbing houses (sometimes 3 at a time) while doing all of this. We were also blessed with our first son in the middle of all of this. Through the street construction that almost killed every business downtown, Covid, up times, down times, late nights, traveling to other states on contract, we prevailed. But here is the thing, and I’m sure you will understand. At some point, when you are committed to excellence, you cannot do all of it all the time. If you are in pursuit of excellence, certain aspects of whatever you are doing require dedication, education, and time. That’s where we were at. I hope that I always made you feel like I gave you my best. When I was no longer able to give my absolute best we made the decision to choose the most vertical path in front of us. I want each one of you to know that without your support throughout the years there would be no vertical path. When we started here we didn’t call anywhere home. There would be no home. Thank you all for helping us build what is next.
-Nick G